Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I don't want to :(

This morning on my way out the door I got very sad leaving my babies behind. I've always gone back and forth about wanting to be a stay at home mom. I am very indecisive! I want to be there for my kids and watch them grow and I don't want to miss anything. But at the same time I want to contribute to the house financially as well. It's also nice to get out of the house now and then and socialize with adults. I just wish I didn't have to work very much....Maybe two days a week would be ideal but I know that for me that is just not logical.

When Garrett was a baby he was very typical and routine. He napped regularly, ate every 3 hours, bath at 7, bed at 8. If he was fussy a pacifier satisfied him and if he had a hard time falling asleep, swaddling him real tight would do the trick. He was easily entertained and very independent. So when it came time for me to go back to work, I was bummed about leaving him behind, but I was also confident that he would be just fine.

Shane is very different. He refuses to follow any sort of routine and no trick works twice when it comes to calming him down while he's fussy. I just want to be with him all the time until this passes or until I can figure him out better. I don't feel ready to go back to work just yet. I want to stay here and make sure that he is okay and he is happy. I love being the one to help soothe his upset tummy, make him smile, and cuddle him to sleep. I want that to be my job.

But in just a few weeks I will be back to working my two jobs and I get very stressed just thinking about it. I hope that I will adjust to being back to work smoothly and that Shane will not feel abandoned.... :(

Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby fever!

Yup...I want another one!
So everybody knows that Adam and I decided on having just the 2 babies, so during my c-section with Shane I had a tubal ligation. Everybody told me to really think about it before I went through with that because I am so young but I decided that it was the right decision for me because after weighing all the pros and cons decided 2 is the best number for me and Adam.
But lately, I can't help but imagine how wonderful it would be to have a 3rd! Maybe a little girl.... I love Garrett and Shane so much and just looking at them makes me the happiest I can be.. So I think a 3rd little one a couple years down the road would make me that much happier!
The original plan was that once I start craving another pregnancy, Adam would get me a puppy instead. But I don't want a puppy! I told him that if I still feel like this in a couple years that I want to get a reversal and to try for another. Adam told me what I wanted to hear and said that he'd think about it, but I know that he definitely is not. He has no interest in having another.
And I can understand why. First of all, neither pregnancy was exactly easy on me. We also agreed that having just the 2 boys would be easier for us to focus all our time, energy, and finances on giving them the best. So I'm happy with that decision but I keep going back and forth....I think for now I'll just enjoy my blessings and see how I feel about the topic a couple years down the road.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A couple prayer requests:

Wow..I actually don't have anything to do right now! My house is clean, Garrett's at Grandma's, and Shane is lounging quietly.. So it's a perfect time to blog!

Well Adam's work has been slow so he has been home a bit more. It sucks financially, but having his company is nice. If his work continues to be slow and he gets laid off, he may go to work for my dad's cabinet shop. Adam's boss called a meeting for tomorrow morning so we'll see what he says then. So just keep his work situation in your prayers. Especially pray that Adam can get into CHP academy later this year. That is what he really wants so we are hoping that they will overlook his spina bifida occulta and take him. I think he would be really great at it.

Also, keep our health in your prayers. We are all sick and miserable! Even sweet baby Shane... His cough seems to be getting deeper and wetter so he is worrying me. The doctor told me what to look out for so I am keeping a close eye on him hoping that this nasty cold doesn't progess into RSV.

Other than having a cold though, Shane is doing wonderful. He was pretty fussy and constipated there for a while when I switched him over to formula. Yesterday we switched to a kind that's easier on his little tummy and he has been totally zen since then. He seems so much more comfortable and happy. He is growing so fast already and I can't get over how beautiful a baby he is. I could just stare at him and Garrett all day! They are so handsome!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Liz in a nutshell..

So I have decided to officially join the blogging world. I thought this would be a nice way to share my thoughts and opinions on various topics as well as share with you my blessings and prayer requests.

So first, a little bit about me--I am 23 years old, I am married to my best friend, Adam, and am the proud mother of 2 amazing little boys. I started dating Adam 8 years ago back in highschool. We grew up together and fell in love. We got married September 11, 2004 and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. We were blessed with our first son, Garrett, November 7, 2007 and our second son, Shane, December 22, 2008. I am so in love with those three boys and consider myself a very lucky lady with every hug, kiss, and cuddle from them.

My friends and family are a very important part of my life. I have a very large family and we are all very close. They are all so generous and supportive of each other. My favorite thing about the holidays is going to my grandma's house and everybody crowding around in their kitchen, forming a huge circle and being sure that everybody is holding hands before saying prayer so we can eat. My best friends are a second family to me. I know that they are there for me whenever I call and of course vice versa.

Last, but definitely not least- God and my wonderful church family. God is the one I thank for all of those awesome blessings listed above. He is the one who has blessed me with the parents that raised me in His true church so that I could come to know Him as my saviour at a young age. It was at His church where I met Adam who later became my husband and through His grace that I was later blessed with 2 healthy baby boys. I owe everything that I have to Him... God is so gracious and if you give your life to Him and trust in Him to carry you, everything will fall perfectly into place.